Friday, July 1, 2011


Tonight i found myself reminiscing my high school days;
And there I saw my young teenage years, immensely happy in just simple ways.
Yes, i could never deny, College is a whole new world of complications;
So now I am telling you, dear high school studes, a bit of my current situations.

For some time in my high school life, I always thought of getting into this Colllege track ;
But now that I am here, I almost want to get  back.
High school is uniquely different, you can dream of any complexities ;
College is another thing, there, you’ll only yearn for simplicities.

Be glad, my dear high school studes, for you are still in these early youth stage;
No, don’t think that you are isolated, for the truth is you are never in a cage!
Real freedom is in high school days, not in the college one;
Genuine happiness is in there; it’s where you’ll embrace the true fun.

If you are in a hurry to step in this College stone;
Oh well think a hundred times until you are fully grown.
If you are complaining even now that you’re still in high school;
Oh well think and pause awhile, College is more cruel !

Maybe you are craving to be free at this point of time;
And so you thought of yourself “in college, freedom will be mine!”
Dear , it doesn’t really turn out in that constant ways;
Because as soon as you get there, you’ll be responsible in every sun’s rays.

Now I am telling you, cherish your high school moments;
Gain friends as many as you can, and hear some of their compliments.
Smile at everyone and feel confident that you know each  who passes you by,
Because in college who the real friends and strangers are, is hard to identify.

Go wherever you can go, do whatever you can do;
Find what pleases you and make your childish wishes come true.
Play what you can play, dare as long as you can dare;
Compete as you complete, fight and fight in fair.

This is your time to get addicted , either of DOTA and online games;
This is your time to be devoted in facebooking and fames.
This is the moment you should be fanatic of your crushes and idols;
Seize the chance to make the most of it, but make sure your grades not to fall.

Entertain gimiks, bondings and parties;
Attend out of town strollings, and explore your own boundaries.
Dear  i will tell you , high school life is the most enjoyed one.
Everything is so simple, you can always shine with the sun!

Learn from your cheats, from copying cover to cover;
And when you get through college, you’ll find yourself in outmost laughter.
Yes, you are that innocent, a half- mindless clone of the reality;
And so you need others’ help, and help them back with your ability.

Rapidly as you’re in college, you have to learn on your own;
Although seeking some assistance, still you need to finish it alone.
You can never rely on kodigs, because righteously you shouldn’t;
Hey kid  your conscience is growing, and you can never tell it wouldn’t !

Join any competitions, even almost all the clubs;
For it will mold you not only  for college, but on how you work the daily job.
Show what you can gladly show, express what you truly feel;
Savor your power to voice out, and let people hear from you what’s real.

Now here I am, your Ate Avon reminding,
That to be a high school stude, your happiness could be everything!
Because only there you can enjoy life, as partly mature and young,
So value every treasure, this words uttered by my toungue !

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